How To…Get Your Board Subscription on Your Other Devices

morpholio board
2 min readSep 15, 2019


With your subscription, did you know that you also get Board for free on all of your mobile devices? Here’s how:


01. Get Board!

Download Board on your other iOS device. Important: You MUST be using the same iTunes account that you originally purchased Board with for this to work!


02. Log into Morpholio

Log into your Morpholio account on your new device using Sign In with Apple, your personal email, or Facebook.


03. Subscription Store

Tap the “Go Pro” button on the Projects Page to activate the Subscription Store.


04. Activate Your Subscription!

Tap the “Restore Purchases” button and then “Pro” to activate your subscription on your other device. It’s that easy — now get to drawing!

Learn more about Board Pro.
Download Board Pro on your iPad or iPhone.

